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Australia hot 35C+ days at long-term stations in RAW and ACORN

The animation below compares the averaged number of hot 35C+ days at Australia's 60 long-term ACORN weather stations (1910 start year) in the RAW, ACORN 1 and ACORN 2 datasets from 1910 to 2019.

hot days in 60 ACORN weather stations

The animation below compares the averaged number of hot 35C+ days at Australia's 60 long-term ACORN weather stations (1910 start year) in the RAW, ACORN 1 and ACORN 2 datasets from 1910 to 2019, as well as national annual averaged total rainfall (rainfall at all weather stations).

hot days in australia acorn and raw comparison

RAW hot day (35C+) annual average number:

1910-1964 49.05
1965-2019 49.36

0.21 more hot days per year in 1965-2019 than 1910-1964

ACORN 1 hot day (35C+) annual average number:

1910-1964 45.39
1965-2019 48.50

3.11 more hot days per year in 1965-2019 than 1910-1964

ACORN 2 hot day (35C+) annual average number:

1910-1964 42.51
1965-2019 47.53

5.02 more hot days per year in 1965-2019 than 1910-1964

RAW hot day (35C+) annual average temperature:

1910-1964 37.33
1965-2019 37.45

Average hot days temperature 0.12C warmer in 1965-2019 than 1910-1964

ACORN 1 hot day (35C+) annual average temperature:

1910-1964 37.40
1965-2019 37.47

Average hot days temperature 0.07C warmer in 1965-2019 than 1910-1964

ACORN 2 hot day (35C+) annual average temperature:

1910-1964 37.37
1965-2019 37.45

Average hot days temperature 0.08C warmer in 1965-2019 than 1910-1964

National annual rainfall:

1910-1964 434.5mm
1965-2019 482.6mm

Note that 2018 and 2019 comprised the lowest two year rainfall period since 1910 (345.9mm average in 2018 and 2019). Prior to 2018, the RAW average number of hot 35C+ days per year at the 60 long-term weather stations was 49.12 in 1910-1963 and 48.85 in 1964-2017 - a 0.27 days per year decrease (35C+ average temperature 37.33C in 1910-1963 and 37.43C in 1964-2017 - a 0.1C increase).

Click here for an Excel download containing the annual tallies and average annual maxima at all 60 stations, and the calculations used in the analysis above.

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